Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Digital Marketing Company - A New Alternative for Ads

Amidst the millions of other Internet sites all vying for the attention of online visitors, a digital marketing company Brisbane can turn things around for you and your website. With digital marketing as the hot new carrier for today’s advertising, these types of companies can also do to your site what it can with products.

They are the new generation of hot ad agencies when things were advertised in the old media (radio/ TV/periodicals). This time, however, they carry bigger loads to advertise and sell (your site and your products).  Just like the old days, these companies are manned by some of the most experienced online marketers.

The new alternative

In contrast to traditional marketing (which is still a multi-billion dollar industry) this new type of marketing effort is run and uses computers, cell phones, tablets, video consoles, etc. in getting the customer’s attention.

The main reason is that these new electronic kind of selling is effective. Some of them were able to push products that were hard to sell in traditional marketing. At present, here are some of the more familiar digital marketing company Brisbane efforts.


Actually, this is some kind of a spin-off of the old mail-order type of selling, and is one of the earliest types of digital sales. This involves database marketing by delivering personalized marketing messages directly targeted to email owners.

At present, the method is continually developed and customized by some of the biggest companies in the world, including Amazon and other emerging retail giants all over the world.

Viral type

There had been several marketing styles that went with it and was transformed into a potent marketing strategy itself. The description is that it is content marketing that distributes the contents across many online platforms.

The main goal is to ensure that the content will catch the attention and attract the targeted market. From there, it spreads itself on its own into other online groups. These include blogs, videos, email, and some hybrid marketing style.

SEO (search engine optimization)

Technically, this is the current art and science of boosting your sites’ ratings so it can be visible to search engines. The method is increase your ranking using specific keywords or augmenting the keywords in places where you choose your site to be ranked.

The strategies include on-site technical analysis and follow-up improvements, creating content, building links, and blogging.

PPC (pay per click)

This is a paid search that managers use (with paid ads) to land on search results. These are usually found within strategic places. There is cost to on every click based on the competitiveness of every keyword which owners bid on.

Online ads

This one promotes your brand on other sites (its difference with PPC). You can also buy banner ads from other sites and you pay the owner according to the number of clicks your ad accumulates.

This one takes some strategic planning especially on creativity on the design, and good negotiation skills so that your ad will be well-placed, at the right time and location. So far, there had been many innovations initiated by many a digital marketing company Brisbane of late.

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