Sunday, November 20, 2022

Web Design Trends & Forecasts for 2023


These are truly tech-crazy times, as technologies change so fast, and web development trends are no different as well. The design features, elements and characteristics that you once thought were modern and in style have actually become tired, clichéd and out of style in a jiffy. And, since the last thing you want for your website is to become out of fashion, and potentially lose conversion because it has become dull and outdated, here’s a peek at the website design Brisbane trends and forecast to watch out this 2023.


Browser-Based Content & Geolocation

Perhaps you may have visited a website just a few hours ago, and then came back to check it out later, only to see that the content has suddenly changed. Well, it’s because the most advanced websites today track a person’s browsing history, and they know your location too.


Yes, custom content created for user returning to a website for a second and third time is the new website design Brisbane trend, as this is hailed for increasing conversion of site visitors into full-time customers.


Personalized or customised content is also very much important for e-commerce websites, because displaying recently viewed, saved or lied products for online shopper can actually lead to increased conversions.


Chat Buddies Instead of just Chatbots

Chatbots are another online feature that has become popular in the past few years, and they will continue to be very much relevant in 2023. As artificial intelligence and machine learning continues to get more sophisticated, expect to see more chatbots to become the norm, especially for simple customer service requests and personal shopping requirements. But, these will become more affable and pleasing; hence they’ll be called “chatbuds”, or chat buddies!


Availability & Accessibility

Inclusivity, availability and accessibility are more than just website design Brisbane trends, although there is a growing need for web design to factor in the needs of people, especially those with disabilities.


Having a website that each and every visitor can navigate or interact with ease is more than just an aspect of good customer service, as it can also enhance your SEO, help you reach a much bigger audience and increase customer conversions.


Smart Content Loading

Many websites could probably be guilty of filling their pages with too much resources, or too many graphical elements and 3rd-party integrations, which eventually slows the site down. However, the good thing is that there are many ways to develop smart websites which download only the content that you see and require.


Among the smart loading features and website design Brisbane trends (that are not actually brand-new technologies) include Lazy Loading and infinite scroll. In fact, the highly-popular social networks of today have been using these for years already, especially when it comes to infinity scroll.



Lazy Load ensures that web browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome and others, will only download content that you see on the screen without wasting server resources and time to load off-screen content which might never be seen!


Website Load Time and Page Speed Remain King

Website performance still remains to have a direct impact on a businesses’ bottom line. According to figures collected during a study, Pinterest actually reduced perceived wait times by as much as 40%, which increased search engine traffic and sign-ups by 15%.


Another study also says that more than half of internet browsers expect a website to load fast, and no more than two seconds after clicking a link. If it takes more than 3 seconds to load your site, then it’s likely that your visitors will never come back to you again. Thus, website load time and page speed remain a crucial website design Brisbane trend this 2023!



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